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ETDA joins hands with the Federation of Thai Industries and Business+ magazine to organize Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 to promote Thai businesses and digital transformation

Digital Transformation Documents
  • 26 Oct 21
  • 1552

ETDA joins hands with the Federation of Thai Industries and Business+ magazine to organize Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 to promote Thai businesses and digital transformation

Bangkok 26 October 2021 - The Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, has partnered with the Federation of Thai Industries, and ARIP’s Business+ magazine to host Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 as a virtual event under the Transforming to the Digital Company Now concept aimed at promoting digital transformation in public and private sectors in response to digital disruption. Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Minister of Digital Economy and Society, presided over the opening ceremony and gave the awards to organizations that have shown digital transformation excellence.

Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, Minister of Digital Economy and Society, said, “The government recognizes the importance of digital technology, which is one of the factors affecting the country’s economic growth and development. As a result, digital technology has been incorporated in various aspects of the national strategic plan including the future industrial and service development with an aim of developing Thailand’s digital economy. According to the IMD’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, Thailand climbed from 40th in 2019 to 39th in 2020, reflecting the Thai government’s success in building digital infrastructure and promoting digital adoption among entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to improve work processes, create new opportunities, and reduce costs as well as in raising awareness of cyber threats. However, businesses, especially SMEs, still face many obstacles including lack of knowledge and understanding of modern technology application and insufficient funding for vital technology that requires substantial investment. To address the issue, the government has implemented various measures to support SMEs in enhancing competitiveness and strengthening business growth by collaborating with public and private sectors in raising awareness of the importance and benefits of using digital technology to create business opportunities and improve operations. Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 will provide an important opportunity for all sectors to come together to help raise awareness among businesses of the role and importance of digital technology and expand access to digital technology for businesses. The event includes a ceremony to give Thailand Digital Transformation Awards to organizations that have achieved outstanding digital transformation and will inspire digital transformation in other organizations in the future.”

Mr.Supant Mongkolsuthree, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries, said, “The Federation of Thai Industries which plays a role in promoting and developing industrial enterprises has launched many projects to drive businesses towards Industry 4.0 by promoting and supporting members in applying digital technology in various aspects. It has partnered with Business Plus magazine by ARIP Public Company Limited and Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) to organize this event which aims to promote digital adoption for organizational transformation, especially among SMEs facing challenges in the fast-changing world, so that all sectors can take part in strengthening Thai industries and driving the country towards Thailand 4.0.”

Dr. Chaichana Mitrpant, Executive director of the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), said, “Improving the life of Thai people through digital technology to overcome the crisis, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, is an important mission that ETDA has continued to strive for, especially the removal of limitations to work and adopt digital technology in business, including support for public agencies in transforming work processes into digital format such as e-Saraban that transforms a paper-based documentation process into a digital format, e-Document that enables electronic document receipt and transmission, e-Signature that enables online signature anywhere anytime, and e-Meeting that provides reliable guidelines for online meetings consistent with relevant standards and laws. Moreover, ETDA has partnered with service providers to raise awareness among SMEs, startups, and the public about e-Office adoption and various tools that can reduce operational limitations and improve work efficiency. Additionally, ETDA is organizing a hackathon event where service providers will have an opportunity to present their innovative e-Office solutions in order to find the best innovation that will improve the competency of Thai SMEs. Additionally, ETDA will encourage interesting e-Solution providers to join the testing environment or ETDA Sandbox. Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 under the "Transforming to the Digital Company Now” concept is, therefore, an opportunity that ETDA hopes to improve the way Thai business sectors operate their business and encourage public agencies to adopt digital technology. At the event, businesses will gain not only knowledge on how to transform their organizations into a digital organization from local and international experts who will share their ideas and experiences at the forums, but also useful information from ETDA and agencies participating in the virtual exhibition and learn about use case, innovations, and digital services from the participating service providers who will inspire businesses on how to apply digital technology to their business, helping increase the country’s competitiveness in the future.”

Mr. Manu Leopairote, Chairman of the Board of ARIP Public Company Limited, said, “Digital disruption continues to have significant impact on our life and businesses, especially those required to adapt to cope with the new challenges. As digital trends emerge, organizations need to adapt through digital transformation to overcome the new challenges. Business Plus magazine has met with executives in the public and private sectors who all aspire to transform their organizations into a digital organization as quickly as possible but lack the knowledge to make that vision a reality. Therefore, we hope that Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 will be an event that can provide knowledge on digital transformation and inspire organizations to move towards digital transformation by giving Thailand Digital Transformation awards to organizations that have successfully transformed their organizations and will become digital transformation role models.”

Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 under the “Transforming to the Digital Company Now” concept held from 11 to 28 October 2021 as a virtual event on includes:

  • Virtual Conference: An online seminar which invites digital transformation experts from various industries to share their knowledge, views, and experiences.
  •  Virtual Exhibition: Virtual exhibitions that not only aims to provide knowledge but also advice, use cases, and examples of how organizations successfully implement digital transformation by various partner agencies including the Federation of Thai Industries, ETDA, and the National Credit Information Company Limited, leading technology providers such as HPE, Dell EMC, Tableau Software, DataOne Asia, Nutanix, and service providers of e-Office solutions.
  • THAILAND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Awards 2021 Ceremony: An awards ceremony for public and private agencies that have demonstrated digital transformation excellence. The winning agencies will receive trophies from the Minister of Digital Economy and Society.

Thailand Digital Transformation Week 2021 as a virtual event under the Transforming to the Digital Company Now concept aimed at promoting digital transformation in public and private sectors in response to digital disruption.

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